At that time, there were several different taxi companies in Arvika and transport was mainly carried out by horse and cart, but there were also several T-Fordars. Marielunds Taxi and Arvika Bilcentral merged in the early 1930s and later formed Arvika Taxi with telephone numbers 700, 800 and 900. Number 700 is still present in today's 10,700.
Arvika Bilcentral became members of the Swedish Cab Owners' Association in 1936, i.e. 78 years ago. In 1989 Arvika Taxi AB merged with the taxi stations in Charlottenberg, Koppom and Åmotfors and formed the limited company Arvika-Eda Taxitransporter AB.
Today there is 1 owner in the company with a total of 59 vehicles. 38 of these are disabled vehicles equipped to transport wheelchairs and they also run flex-line traffic in Arvika. All our cars are equipped with alcohol locks.
The company has approximately 60 full-time employees, including the owner. In addition, we have around 20 guys and girls who work as part-time extra drivers.
We carry out transport for private individuals and companies, including to the airports in Karlstad, Gardermoen, Arlanda, Landvetter, Rygge as well as freight transport by taxi and trailer. In addition, we have community-paid transport for Arvika, Eda, Årjäng, Torsby and Säffle and the county council via Värmlandstrafik AB.
The traffic control are open all hours of the day, all year round. This is staffed with good local knowledge, and who also recognize many of our regular customers and their special wishes and needs.
In addition to receiving orders, they have the complicated and responsible task of directing traffic and planning large parts of the flow.
Good traffic management means that you get your car faster and that the taxis save many miles, important not least from an environmental point of view.

Amer Arnautovic

Anneli Vestlund

Peter Appeqvist

Amer Arnautovic

Peter Appelqvist
Vehicle manager

Peter Appelqvist
Vehicle manager
We must distinguish ourselves from our competitors by always exceeding our customers' expectations.
We must be respected as a very well-run and serious company. Our employees must feel proud and involved in the work, as well as feel that their work makes a difference to the public.
We will make it affordable.
We'll do it friendly.
We will create simple solutions.
We must distinguish ourselves from our competitors by always exceeding our customers' expectations.
We must differentiate ourselves significantly from our competitors by always exceeding the customer's expectations. We must be a responsible social actor that is more than just taxis.
Availability: Fast, friendly service and that the car is in place according to the customer's needs.
Reliability: That we always keep what we promise and don't promise anything we can't keep.
Service: We must be helpful, friendly, attentive and cordial in all our meetings.
Seriousness: We take responsibility.
Environment: We take responsibility for local and global environmental problems.
Arvika Eda Taxitransporter AB must offer taxi services with the least possible environmental impact. We must work purposefully and proactively to reduce taxi transport's emissions to air, water and land.​
This means:
​to continuously follow up our environmental activities in order to create continuous improvements
to comply with current environmental legislation
to comply with other relevant requirements and rules imposed on the business
to maintain a high level of knowledge and environmental awareness in the company
to run our business so that negative environmental impact is limited, as long as it is practical and financially justifiable
to think environmentally conscious when planning, developing and implementing our business
that our employees must be well versed in the legislation and involved in the company's environmental work
to keep the policy and operations manual available for those who wish to review our operations
to place great importance on the supplier's environmental work and policy when choosing the purchase of goods and services
Through continuous competence development, we shall develop our staff's environmental knowledge and commitment to environmental issues.
We require our subcontractors to participate in our environmental work as well as that they carry out their own environmental work.
In their daily work, all employees are responsible for ensuring that the environmental policy is followed.
Arvika Eda Taxitransporter AB must always perform its services with the quality that the customer demands while at the same time complying with relevant laws and regulations.
All our commitments and work must be perceived as an expression of high quality.
Our most important goal is to satisfy our customers. We must satisfy the customers' wishes and requirements.
Our operations must inspire confidence in our ability to provide services as a professional transport organization, at the agreed quality level, at the right time, in the right place and in the right condition, and follow the Swedish Taxi Association's quality standards on good taxi tradition.
For us, quality is a strength and success factor for the continued positive development of our services.
In their daily work, all employees are responsible for ensuring that the quality policy is followed.
We develop our own quality work and quality management system through continuous improvements.
Our goal is a good working environment, both physically, mentally and from a social perspective.
For us, a good day at work means a reasonable balance between man, machine and organization.
We put safety first by having a good knowledge of the applicable laws and regulations in the work environment area.
Together, we strive to constantly improve our work environment, prevent work-related injuries, reduce work-related sickness absence and work on rehabilitation at an early stage.
The company must continuously strive for a high level in our road safety work so that employees and fellow road users are not harmed. We also refer to our separate road safety policy and to the company's other policy documents.
We have chosen to develop our work environment through continuous improvements.